I'm back from my wedding/honeymoon/not-long-enough vacation from work. I'm finding that I want to move a mountain every day. We have an unfinished basement that will soon house a big bathroom, bedroom, walk-in closet and projector. We have quit a bit of work to do and I just want to snap my fingers and have it done right away! As with all things in life, that just isn't possible. So, with a heavy heart, today we will pick out our bathroom vanity so that we can start planning for the next steps of the basement. One thing at a time and one day at a time. I know that the house needs to evolve but I wish that the "evolution" process would move a little faster.....
I loved travelling but it's just nice to be home again. I enjoy being married and I enjoy being a wife. Now it's time to move forward and learn to love remodelling!