Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Evan is almost 5 months old now! Wow! I have been exclusively pumping for him for that same amount of time. Pumping is HARD! FYI this is a low morale is low. I have documented my "station" and what Evan does when I'm pumping. Yes he gets the good stuff and I'm happy about that! I just really look forward to not doing this anymore! He's also sleeping like shit lately which makes for a tired, cranky mom.
I have learned a lot about pumping though! I can unclog a milk duct the old fashioned way! I can feed Evan and pump at the same time! I am not good at traveling and pumping so my life revolves around my pumping times. It's a major sacrifice but its worth it!
I learned they Evan won't breast feed because he has a lip tie which NO ONE told me! Two lactation consultants and nurses galore never even mentioned it...
I learned that I can pump 4 times a day and still have a decent supply.
I learned that Gatorade is my best drinking buddy.
I learned that I have the capacity to clean my equipment once a day so I bought 4 sets!
I don't need lanolin! Lol!!!
Evan is doing really well and I'm hoping that taking domperidone will increase the boob juice supply.

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