Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Lake Harriet

I took Abby out to Lake Harriet yesterday after work. I'm not always a winter fan but she needed exercise! So I threw on my warm boots, under armour, and snow pants. I walked out to the middle and realized that I just loved it.

She clearly loved it as her mommy threw her yellow fish around for her to dig for and play with.

I realized that I loved to be out there alone... well with Abby. I loved the calm and silence of being out there. I loved that the only people that I could see were little specs walking around the lake. With all the chaos that's going on, I loved to just be alone with my dog.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Feeling Overwhelmed

I've been feeling extremely overwhelmed lately. Andy and I have SO many things that we need to do in the next month that it's practically impossible to peice it all together in my head. I wish that I was not at work and was at home so I could get all of these things done. I'm learning to enjoy the peaceful moments. Like, meeting up with a friend and attending the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra. Or watching the olympics with a a bunch of candles lit. These moments will be so few and far between but yet so important in the coming months.

So many people have asked me if I'm excited about this wedding and sometimes I feel like I've had to fake it a little. I know that's AWFUL. It's hard to be in excitment when you have so much to do and so much money to spend that you aren't sure which way is up and which is down anymore. I'll be glad when life even's itself out and I can look to working on hobbies again.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My baby

It recently dawned on me that I have never blogged about my dog that I adore. Her name is Abby Lott and she's a 2.5 year old Yellow Lab. In my humble opinion, she is the world's most adorable dog.
She is a 60 lbs. lap dog with the biggest heart. We took a nap up north one day and I snapped this picture of her sleeping. She looks like a little bat dog.
Don't get me wrong, I am very excited to come home to Andy every day. I'm also excited to come home to this little face staring at me and wiggling uncontrollably in excitement.

I Love my doggy!! :)

Monday, February 8, 2010

Our Story

In light of my least favorite holiday (sorry to be a scrooge), I thought I would post my story with Andy. It's not the world's most captivating story but it's ours.

I used to work for my dad at his flight school (RIP Wings Inc.). One day this handsome young man walked in who worked for the FAA (tisk tisk). I thought he was so attractive and of course mouthed it to the entire nation.. ok just everyone at Wings. Brian, a guy that I worked with mentioned that he knew him and had gone to college with him. I said that it would be fun to meet him sometime but thought nothing of it since Brian can be a little flakey.

On the Wednesday after MLK day in 2004, Brian told me that we're meeting him at Moose Country in Mendota Heights. I was SO excited. I thought... what are the odds??? So I ran home and put on a cute outfit and even did my eye makeup (now you will only see that at my wedding showers and on my wedding day). I had a friend of mine come with me, for support. I walked.. ok marched into Moose Country and sat down right next to him. We started talking and did not stop talking all evening long. I have no idea what we even talked about. At the end of the night I thought that I'd never see him again. I mentioned that I'd never learned how to ski and he said he would teach me. A date was set. That Saturday we met up in the morning to go flying, skiing and end the day with a going away party. Now we'll be getting married in exactly 3 months and 1 week from todays date!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

One Thing that I Love!

I always preach about doing one thing you love. Well, yesterday I did just that! My friend Shannon's dad purchased the guitar below. This is the actual guitar. I HAD to get my picture taken with it or I knew I'd regret it for a lifetime.

So, here is myself with the Prince guitar!! Although my outfit is not nearly as flashy, I had to sport the purple. That was quit an experience! How often does a person get to touch the guitar of their favorite musician. Ok, my favorite rock musician. I love all kinds of music so I could not possible have one favorite.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Tiger

I'm back at latch hook! I call it: knitting for dummies. This peice is missing some blue (I ran out) so tomorow I'll be visiting Michaels for som yarn! This will go to my first child! Notice both blue and pink. It could go either way!!

This peice is about half way done and he'll go up north. OR maybe he'll be a gift for my daddyo! My dad likes wolves though so maybe I'll find something like that for him instead. I like doing latch hook. It's peiceful and there's very little thought involved.