In light of my least favorite holiday (sorry to be a scrooge), I thought I would post my story with Andy. It's not the world's most captivating story but it's ours.

I used to work for my dad at his flight school (RIP Wings Inc.). One day this handsome young man walked in who worked for the FAA (tisk tisk). I thought he was so attractive and of course mouthed it to the entire nation.. ok just everyone at Wings. Brian, a guy that I worked with mentioned that he knew him and had gone to college with him. I said that it would be fun to meet him sometime but thought nothing of it since Brian can be a little flakey.
On the Wednesday after MLK day in 2004, Brian told me that we're meeting him at Moose Country in Mendota Heights. I was SO excited. I thought... what are the odds??? So I ran home and put on a cute outfit and even did my eye makeup (now you will only see that at my wedding showers and on my wedding day). I had a friend of mine come with me, for support. I walked.. ok marched into Moose Country and sat down right next to him. We started talking and did not stop talking all evening long. I have no idea what we even talked about. At the end of the night I thought that I'd never see him again. I mentioned that I'd never learned how to ski and he said he would teach me. A date was set. That Saturday we met up in the morning to go flying, skiing and end the day with a going away party. Now we'll be getting married in exactly 3 months and 1 week from todays date!
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