Thursday, January 27, 2011

Moving forward...a little

Today I am taking small steps in moving forward. I have an interview with Fish and Wildlife. It's just a secretary job but my pay wouldn't change! I'm pretty excited as one of my New Year's resoutions was to get a job that I LOVE! I am also down to $51 left to pay off on my Maurices credit card!!!!!!!!! I did have a little flub last night... I decided that I needed a new bathing suit this year to motivate me to work out more. So I put around $90 on my Vicky's card and purchased two suits to try on..... I know it wasn't very intelligent. My small problem is that I many of my current suits no longer fit or should I say.. aren't my style anymore. I'm not sure why I feel so compelled to purchase things!!!! I can't seem to shake my need for fabulous things! Ugh. One day at a time I suppose.


  1. Good luck on your interview!!! I hope it goes well! Don't beat yourself up about the swimsuits, sometimes you need a little motivation ya know? =)

  2. I returned the swin suites!!! GO ME!
