Friday, November 4, 2011

What's YOUR birth plan?

One thing I'm starting to see is that there's this baby making underworld... Sort of like a a kinky underground club but for mothers or mothers to be. It's called the "What's your birth plan Club." Some women feel a sense of power being able to push a baby out with out any medication or a C-Section. And when you say the words "Epidural" to them, they turn their nose up and look at you like you are some kind of cocaine drug addict. Some of these women have never given birth at all. I've experienced this underground club a LOT lately. And I am NOT talking about people who are pro natural birth. I'm talking about people who think YOU are a disgust if you do not agree with them. There's a BIG difference here!!

My opinion: TO EACH THEIR OWN! You simply cannot tell someone what's right for them and you should NEVER make anyone feel like less of a person because they don't do things a certain way. I freely say my birth plan is to have an epidural and I don't care what anyone says about it. I know my body better than anyone else and that's what I believe will work for me. You should NEVER feel bad about your birth plan. Sometimes you don't even have a choice. My mother certainly did not and I'm sure she would have rather not had a C-Section but I was practically sideways so there was no other way. Women just do not know each others situations enough and should be supportive regardless. Any birth of a healthy baby is a success in my eyes. Of course none of these underground club members will read this but I like venting it.

End of RANT!

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