Tuesday, February 22, 2011


This weekend I discovered a show on TLC called Extreme Couponing. At first I wrote these people off as having OCD or being hoarders. I still think that many of them fall into that category. One woman caught my attention though! She said "honey, if you haven't used coupon's that you just haven't been broke enough yet." That got me to thinking.... Why haven't I utilized coupons! It's basically free money right?!?!?! Well I did just that on Sunday! I went online to these websites: www.couponmom.com www.coupons.com www.redplum.com www.smartsource.com and www.coolsavings.com I printed out a lot of coupons... I was nervous! What if they don't work! What if I get to the register and I owe more than I'm planning on paying!
Andy and I set out to Target. I generally believe that Target has the cheapest groceries around. We went back and forth as I realized that my coupons are organized by date but NOT by department.. I'll need to work on that. After about 30 minutes our cart was full and we headed to the check out counter. We sought after a young guy because one of the ladies on the show said that they are the best and fastest! He rung up everything and like a scared little girl, I handed him a hand full of coupons...... I almost couldn't watch! Low and behold, they ALL rung up! I was SO stoked! I saved $19.30!!!! That's money that I printed off on my computer and saved by taking a little time to research. My goal was to save $10. I almost doubled my goal! I was SO excited to have saved so much money! I think I could do a lot better if I had a Sunday paper though. There's always another day though!


  1. Awesome! I do love using coupons too. I am trying to get better at getting them online though as well, so far I usually just get them from the ads in the paper. Doesn't it feel great to watch your total amount go down as they ring up the coupons? Love it!

  2. It's addicting to watch the total slide down!! I now feel like I should never pay full price again! Even though I know that isn't the truth at all...

  3. Good for you! I keep wanting to try couponing but I'm scared to start. Isn't that weird??
