Friday, February 25, 2011

The P words.....

Pushing Papers... Popping Pills... I never thought I'd EVER combine these words into one statement... For the past few weeks I've noticed a little anomoly creeping into my life. This anomoly begins on Monday's and ends on Friday's. Let me explain further. Evenings begin like this:

Andy and Abby are jumping around like excited little lizards bouncing around and it's about 9pm. I'm laying in bed trying to wind down. Notice how these two things don't particularily go with each other.

11pm.... It's ELEVEN P...M... and I can't sleep. So I walk over to the kitchen, pop a Waladryl and then shortly after, begin sleeping.

This is a typical weekday occurence. Last night I opted to change it up a bit and do the whole "shower at night" thing. Morning began like this:

I have a massive headache!!!!! I slept like a baby so I don't understand why this is happening to me. I walk over to a co-workers desk and pop 2 advill. I'm fine now.. But the question remains.... WHY CAN'T I STOP POPPING PILLS JUST TO PUSH PAPERS!!!!!!!!

What's wrong with me???? When did I sign up for this? Being an adult sucks! Send me to Disney World! I'd like to pass on adulthood and return back to my youth please....

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